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Welcome to Co-Create Counselling 

In construction, come back soon. 


Feel calmer and happier. 


Improve your relationship with yourself and others.


Feel safer to be who you are, and do what you want.

Welcome to Co-Create Counselling

Hi, my name is Lauren Aebig, and I am so happy you are here. I work with children, teens, and adults that are facing challenges and issues in their lives or relationships. 

If you are ready to improve your daily experience,  relationships, and outlook on life,  you have come to the right place. 

I am located in Nanaimo, BC. I offer both online, and in-person counselling.

My Guiding Principles







Body Knowledge 


Acceptance of you


Connection and relationship 


If you are experiencing: 

* Feelings of unworthiness and you keep wondering why.
* Feeling disconnected from reality, often numb and you may space out. 
*Easily triggered by normal, or daily interactions, and this may result in angry outbursts.
*Anxious thoughts that may spiral you into near panic.
*Feeling a sad and empty void, sometimes about nothing in particular, and you don't know why.
*Experiencing the same repeating patterns in your behaviours, situations, or relationships.
*You seem to shut down, and it's hard to be motivated, or even get out of bed. 
*Trouble falling asleep, or sleeping way too much, but still feeling tired. 
*Issues in your relationships, it just seems so tough to communicate, and relate. 
*Feeling lost in  your life, what is my purpose? 

Heal anxiety, depression, or stress.

If some of these sound like you, I can help you understand yourself, connect back to you, and move towards solutions. 

Find peace and calm.

You are not broken! Past, or current life experiences can create long lasting affects, you just need support. 

We humans have been wired for survival, so when we are threatened by another person, a situation, or event, our body keeps this memory. You are just tying your best to keep yourself safe. But, because of an increasingly stressful and fast paced world, you can often get stuck in patterns of behaviors, or reactions that may result in debilitating or just irritating symptoms (ex. anxiety, hard to connect with others, etc.)

Together we can better understand what is happening for you, and begin to reconnect back to the body signals to  lessen these responses to the external world. 

I can help for

Emotional Challenges

Better understand your emotions and what they are telling you. Begin to allow your emotions to guide your life rather then control your life. Build the capacity to feel the uncomfortable feelings and allow these to pass fluidly. 

Life Transitions 

Life is constantly in motion, and there are times in your life you have big changes: retirement, pregnancy, marriage, new jobs, etc. Discuss your thoughts, and feelings, or how to make your decisions in a safe space. 

Grief and Loss

You may have been struggling with the loss of a friend, family member, pet, or relationship. Feel supported, and heard to move through the feelings of grief. We never "get over it", but move into a place of humble acceptance. 

Anxiety and Panic

Begin to view anxiety from a new perspective, in order to explore ways to lesson the intensity with tools and strategies. As well, understanding the cause, can support you in knowing, you are ok. 

Depression and Sadness

Depression can leave you feeling drained, unmotivated; leaving life dull, and without any joy. Learn about what may be the underlying cause, and get the support you need to move through this sadness and take your life back. 


If your have been threatened by past events, or toxic relationships, your nervous system has been triggered to keep you safe. You may have developed a pattern of either fight, flight, or freeze. Reduce these responses here. 

Relationships & Communication 

Reflect on how you communicate  and learn new tools and strategies to better express yourself to others. Learn ways to set healthy boundaries to enhance your relationships. 

Self-esteem & Confidence

Feeling low about you self worth can taint your entire world. Begin to open up to your strengths, and gifts to begin to change your perspective on yourself. 


Recovering from any addiction is tough. Begin to view the addictions from a resiliency perspective rather than defeat. Understand the underlying reason for why you needed to cope, and how to move through this. 

Communicate your problems to me.

My Approach

My approach in the counselling space is based on the trusting relationship between you and me. I want you to feel safe, cared for,  and understood. I believe that a strong and safe connection between us is healing on its own. I want to facilitate your inner journey towards feeling better as an equal partner in this space. 

I view the world with a trauma informed lens, meaning, many of the aggravating issues you may be experiencing are the result of our body's nervous system trying to keep you safe, but you may have become stuck in a looping pattern. Awareness of the fight,  flight , freeze, responses, and how to calm these reactions can allow you to begin to feel safe to be you, and live the life that you were meant for. 

Also, a huge factor in any change is the shifting of perspective about yourself, events, or life in general. I am here to invite the shift of perspective to begin to transform your life. 

Feel heard. Be Seen. Feel Valued. 

Tomatillo Plant

"My intention in every session is for you to have a better understanding of yourself, relationships & your life"

Counselling studio office, Nanaimo, BC

In session we can: 

*Parts Work: Get to know all of your parts, or aspects of yourself.

Learn more about Parts Work (IFS Model). 


*EMDR: Body awareness in response to threats. Re-associating negative patterning with more positive ones. 

Learn more about EMDR process. 


*Relationship: The relationship between us in the therapy space repatterns past relationship wounds. Begin to develop a relationship with all aspects of yourself. 


*Arts and drama: Creative expression to process, and move emotions, narratives and thought patterns. 


*Narrative based: View your story from a new perspective, and begin to write your new journey. 

Begin your journey for the life you have always wanted now!

I offer a free 30 minute online consultation in order for you to see if I am a good match for you. 

I look forward to meeting you!

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